Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Can I quit?

Not too long ago, Dylan wanted to quit piano lessons.  His mom had texted me to say that she didn't know what to do anymore.  She was tired of the battle that would ensue each day she tried to get her son to practice and she was ready to give in.

A day before I got this mother's text, I had spoken with a dad about how he got his child, Ethan, to get over the same hump.  He gave his son the 32 Day Challenge.  He based this on an article he read about NASA's space training program.  In the training period, astronauts wear special goggles for 32 days straight.  These goggles turn their world upside down.  This is important because without gravity, an astronaut needs to be able to function in different positions - upside down, sideways - without getting nauseous.  If an astronaut misses even one day of this training, he/she needs to start over again.  Why?  Because the brain is developing a new neuro pathway and it requires consistency.  And in turn, the neuro pathway determines that this new way of  seeing is completely normal.  In fact, during the training period, astronauts begin to see everything right side up again even with the goggles still on!  

This challenge worked for Ethan and it got me really excited!  I texted this distraught mother back and suggested that Dylan try the 32 Day Challenge which he did and since then he and many others have moved on to the 100 Day Challenge.  

Here's Dylan talking about his experience:


  1. This was wonderful. The video superb. I'm going to use it as a conversation starter and maybe institute a Challenge in my Studio. Good work!

  2. What a great testimonial to buckling down and committing to something!! Thank you for sharing your experience, Dylan. And thanks to Nicole for giving us a glimpse of your success and being such a great support to your students!
